Vigilant Technologies

IPA | RPA | Best Practices


Intelligent Automation
That Complete On Schedule
and Deliver Desired ROI

Intelligent Automation Approach

There are plentiful stories about frustrations and lessons learned from automation transformations that never gave the intended impacts, value, or expected returns on the investments. Often times, solution providers become order takers and just try to automate the human process, which is typically inefficient and perpetuates bad data practices that impact downstream processing. Our differentiator is that we focus on streamlining your business operations to deliver impactful results.

We did not set out to be like everyone else in the automation services market. We also understand that our clients spend significantly on their core business processing systems, so automation must be cost-effective and provide returns on the investments to automate. Our customer-centric approach, blended with our process excellence and technology experience, ensures our customers maximize process efficiencies to realize the value our automations provide. Schedule a consultation to find out how we differentiate our approach to create actual and impactful operational efficiency with our intelligent automation solutions.

Consider These Questions:

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then schedule your consultation to learn how Intelligent Automation could be saving your company time, money and the challenges that come with inaccurate or late work.

Does your team feel overwhelmed with disorganization and inefficient business processes?

Are your team members tied up with mundane, repetitive, and manual tasks or grunt work, when your team could be doing more to advance the business?

Are you having trouble hiring or retaining quality resources for manual data entry tasks that require high accuracy?

Is your team more experienced in Microsoft Excel and data assembly than the analysis required to identify risks and opportunities?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then schedule your consultation to learn how Intelligent Automation could be saving your company time, money and the challenges that come with inaccurate or late work.

What we cover in an Intelligent Automation Consultation

We align on intelligent automation definitions and the tools for our transformation toolbox.

We showcase our best practices and approach to create automated solutions and value for your organization.

We review our criteria for identifying process automation candidates and align criteria with your organization.

We work with you to review your business operations to identify automation candidates and develop a backlog.

If automation tools (RPA, OCR, BPM, etc) have not been selected, we help you choose the right ones for your organization.

We work with you to build a business case and a thoughtful roadmap for execution.

We offer ongoing support, guiding you with tailored strategies, maximizing value, and addressing your queries.


And You –
A Winning


1050 Wilshire Drive, Troy, Michigan 48084




Vigilant And You –
A Winning Combination!


1050 Wilshire Drive, Troy, Michigan 48084


