Vigilant Technologies


Traversing the
Oracle License
Compliance Maze

Traversing the Oracle License Compliance Maze

Traversing the Oracle License Compliance Maze

We have worked with Oracle Products and Services for almost a decade now and as much as we passionately recommend Oracle to everyone we come across, we must admit that understanding and be complying with Oracle’s license policies can cause a bit of a headache (and possibly some heartburn).

Recently we came across multiple clients and prospects who have undergone license reviews by the Oracle LMS Audit team, irrespective of the size of their Oracle landscape. In many cases, Oracle users are not aware of many of the fine points of Oracle licensing guidelines until they are already in an audit.

The gap in understanding these licensing rules and their impact on an organization is where many falter. And this is where leading Oracle partners come into play. We can help you navigate through the licensing maze and help make sense of it all. For instance, we can help advise you regarding licensing requirements when running the latest version of VMWare in your shop.

Partners like us are proficient in such nuances of the Oracle licensing world. Our License Compliance Review service includes the following –

  • Capturing and consolidating information from various agreements and contracts over the years between Oracle and your company
  • Capturing your Oracle footprint – Products, versions, additional options, and so on
  • Reconciling your entitlements with actual usage
  • Educating you about the fine-prints of Oracle Licensing
  • Offering remediation options, if necessary
  • Our services include analysis of Oracle database and “Tech” products in use, as well as many applications, including EBS.

Get an Oracle License Assessment

Let us come in and give you the peace of mind you deserve. We sign NDAs at the very onset of the engagement, so your information is strictly confidential and doesn’t leave our consulting team. No information is shared with Oracle without written client approval. Contact Us today to explore how we can add value!
