Creating Operational Efficiency in Manufacturing with Intelligent Automation

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Industry 4.0 for manufacturing establishes Smart Factories that leverage digital technologies to tighten the processes across an organization that supports the supply chain, through internal processes and business partners, and key external business partners in the value chain. The digitization of data will help manufacturers refine products and services in (near) real time and quickly adjust to the customer’s needs and wants.

Vigilant empowers manufacturers through our best practices of accelerating the lifecycle path of data through Robotic Process Automation (RPA), cognitive Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), System Integrations, Chatbots, Data Warehousing, Reporting, and more.

Opportunities in Manufacturing for Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

Digital technologies in manufacturing can address many manual and repetitive tasks that are time consuming and can cause issues with inconsistencies in data processing.  There are many opportunities to automate and digitize manufacturing processes, such as:

  • Inventory management
  • Purchase order processing
  • Invoice verification
  • Customer service
  • External communications, like shipment status notifications
  • Returns Processing
  • Regulatory compliance

Revolutionize Manufacturing with Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

Welcome to the future of manufacturing, where the boundless potential of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is poised to reshape the industry landscape. Discover how automating diverse business tasks can propel your manufacturing operations to unprecedented heights. Explore the remarkable advantages that await your business:
Elevated Job Fulfillment and Amplified Productivity Experience a paradigm shift in the workplace dynamics. Mundane and repetitive tasks that once consumed precious hours are now effortlessly managed by automated systems. This liberation empowers your workforce to redirect their energies towards tasks that demand their expertise. The outcome? Soaring job satisfaction and an exponential increase in overall productivity. Witness your organization flourish as real-time production capabilities reach new heights.
Precision Redefined Eliminate human error. Manual operations invariably introduce room for mistakes, leading to consequential setbacks. Enter intelligent automation, a game-changer that reshapes this narrative. By eliminating the potential for errors, automated processes usher in an era of absolute accuracy. The result? An operational landscape characterized by seamless efficiency and unwavering precision.
Expediting Timelines, Enriching Decisions Embrace acceleration. Automation enables rapid task completions devoid of gaps or waiting periods for approvals. The availability of automated data adds another layer of agility, facilitating swift and informed decision-making. Imagine the power of automating inventory management, where stock level awareness prompts production initiation without needless delays.
Focused Skilled Resources Invest in the future with IPA automation and say goodbye to the arduous search for skilled personnel. Technology can reshape your manufacturing organization to reduce the reliance on unskilled and semi-skilled employees that focus on manual and repetitive, low value work, so you can focus your highly skilled resources on business critical outcomes.
Seamless Integration and Improved Collaboration Integration of data from interconnected systems is the basis of digital transformation. IPA obtains information from systems and sensors to relay information back to reporting systems. Accelerated data supports actionable decision making in (near) real-time to ensure your manufacturing business is adapting to market demands and operational shifts.
Embark on the Automation Journey In the era of Industry 4.0, manufacturing stands at the brink of transformation, led by the prowess of Intelligent Process Automation. Harness the power of automation to optimize productivity, uphold precision, and embrace operational excellence. The dawn of automation is here, and manufacturing visionaries are at the forefront of this new frontier of infinite possibilities. Are you ready to embark on your automation journey?

Consider These Questions:

  • Does your team feel overwhelmed with disorganization and inefficient accounting processes?
  • Are your team members tied up with mundane, repetitive, and manual tasks or grunt work, when your team could be doing more to analyze and interrogate the financials?
  • Are you having trouble hiring or retaining quality resources for manual data entry tasks that require high accuracy?
  • Is your team more experienced in Microsoft Excel and data assembly than the analysis required to identify risks and opportunities?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then Schedule a Consultation to learn how Intelligent Automation could be saving your company time, money and the challenges that come with inaccurate or late work.

What we cover in an Intelligent Automation Consultation

  • We level-set on intelligent automation definitions to be aligned on terminology and the tools we use in our automation and transformation toolbox.
  • We explain our best practices and approach to illustrate how our we create automated solutions and value for your organization.
  • We review our criteria for identifying process automation candidates and align criteria with your organization.
  • We work with you to review your organization’s business operations to identify process candidates for automation and develop a backlog.
  • If automation tool platforms (RPA, OCR, BPM, etc) have not been selected, we work with you on selecting the right platforms for your organization.
  • We work with you to build a business case and a thoughtful roadmap for execution.
  • We make certain you have our support throughout the journey to ensure you are educated on considerations for what works and what doesn’t, why certain approaches don’t make sense for certain organizations, how value is gained and not eroded (e.g. high implementation costs, not considering the total cost of ownership), and any other questions you may have.

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