Action Oriented Cloud Security Approach Archives - Vigilant Technologies

Action Oriented Security Approach | Public & Private Cloud

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Action Oriented Security Approach:

 Design, Monitor and Optimize

Vigilant Technologies incorporates a collection of best practices that provide clear actionable guidance for security related decisions. This is designed to help your organization improve upon its security posture and reduce risk whether your environment is cloud-only, or a hybrid enterprise spanning cloud(s) and on-premises data centers.

The Vigilant Technologies core approach for success is three-fold

Design for the business, Monitor and Auto-Remediate, & Optimize for Change.

As part of this core service offering, Vigilant Technologies executes upon a set of principles and capabilities that support a variety of consumer cloud platforms including Hybrid-Cloud, Oracle Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure, & Microsoft Modern Workplace:

  • Governance, risk, and compliance
  • Security operations
  • Identity and access management
  • Network security and containment
  • Information protection and storage
  • Applications and services

Progress through Action: Vigilant Technologies Security Design Principles

Vigilant Technologies core security principles provide actionable steps for improvement in three key areas and provides a securely architected system hosted on cloud or on-premises datacenters (or a combination of both).

With careful execution of these principles your team will dramatically increase the likelihood of its security architecture to maintain (1) confidentiality, (2) integrity, and (3) availability.

Each recommendation referenced below includes a summary description of why it is recommended and how each principal map to one of more of these security concepts:

  • Align Security Priorities to Mission –Security resources are almost always limited, so prioritize efforts and assurances by aligning security strategy and technical controls to the business using classification of data and systems. Security resources should be focused first on people and assets (systems, data, accounts, etc.) with intrinsic business value and those with administrative privileges over business-critical assets.
  • Build a Comprehensive Strategy –A security strategy should consider investments in culture, processes, and security controls across all system components. The strategy should also consider security for the full lifecycle of system components including the supply chain of software, hardware, and services.
  • Drive Simplicity –Complexity in systems leads to increased human confusion, errors, automation failures, and difficulty of recovering from an issue. Favor simple and consistent architectures and implementations.
  • Design for Attackers –Your security design and prioritization should be focused on the way attackers see your environment, which is often not the way IT and application teams see it. Inform your security design and test it with penetration testing to simulate one-time attacks and red teams to simulate long-term persistent attack groups. Design your enterprise segmentation strategy and other security controls to contain attacker lateral movement within your environment. Actively measure and reduce the potential Attack Surface that attackers target for exploitation for resources within the environment.
  • Leverage Native Controls –Favor native security controls built into cloud services over external controls from third parties. Native security controls are maintained and supported by the service provider, eliminating, or reducing effort required to integrate external security tooling and update those integrations over time.
  • Use Identity as Primary Access Control –Access to resources in cloud architectures is primarily governed by identity-based authentication and authorization for access controls. Your account control strategy should rely on identity systems for controlling access rather than relying on network controls or direct use of cryptographic keys.
  • Accountability– Designate clear ownership of assets and security responsibilities and ensure actions are traceable for nonrepudiation. You should also ensure entities have been granted the least privilege required (to a manageable level of granularity).
  • Embrace Automation –Automation of tasks decreases the chance of human error that can create risk, so both IT operations and security best practices should be automated as much as possible to reduce human errors (while ensuring skilled humans govern and audit the automation).
  • Focus on Information Protection –Intellectual property is frequently one of the biggest repositories of organizational value and this data should be protected anywhere it goes including cloud services, mobile devices, workstations, or collaboration platforms (without impeding collaboration that allows for business value creation). Your security strategy should be built around classifying information and assets to enable security prioritization, leveraging strong access control and encryption technology, and meeting business needs like productivity, usability, and flexibility.
  • Design for Resilience –Your security strategy should assume that controls will fail and design accordingly. Making your security posture more resilient requires several approaches working together
    • Balanced Investment– across core functions spanning the full NIST Cybersecurity Framework lifecycle (identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover) to ensure that attackers who successfully evade preventive controls lose access from detection, response, and recovery capabilities.
    • Ongoing maintenance– of security controls and assurances to ensure that they don’t decay over time with changes to the environment or neglect
    • Ongoing vigilance– to ensure that anomalies and potential threats that could pose risks to the organizations are addressed in a timely manner.
    • Defense in depth– approach includes additional controls in the design to mitigate risk to the organization in the event a primary security control fails. This design should consider how likely the primary control is to fail, the potential organizational risk if it does, and the effectiveness of the additional control (especially in the likely cases that would cause the primary control to fail).
    • Least Privilege– This is a form of defense in depth to limit the damage that can be done by any one account. Accounts should be granted the least amount of privileged required to accomplish their assigned tasks by access permissions and by time. This helps mitigate the damage of an external attacker who gains access to the account and/or an internal employee that inadvertently or deliberately (for example, insider attack) compromises security assurances.
  • Baseline and Benchmark –To ensure your organization considers current thinking from outside sources, evaluate your strategy and configuration against external references (including compliance requirements). This helps to validate your approaches, minimize risk of inadvertent oversight, and the risk of punitive fines from noncompliance.
  • Drive Continuous Improvement –Systems and existing practices should be regularly evaluated and improved to ensure they are and remain effective against attackers who continuously improve and the continuous digital transformation of the enterprise. This should include processes that proactively integrate learnings from real world attacks, realistic penetration testing and red team activities, and other sources as available.
  • Assume Zero Trust –When evaluating access requests, all requesting users, devices, and applications should be considered untrusted until their integrity can be sufficiently validated. Access requests should be granted conditionally based on the requestors trust level and the target resource’s sensitivity. Reasonable attempts should be made to offer means to increase trust validation (for example, request multi-factor authentication) and remediate known risks (change known-leaked password, remediate malware infection) to support productivity goals.
  • Educate and incentivize security –The humans that are designing and operating the cloud workloads are part of the whole system. It is critical to ensure that these people are educated, informed, and incentivized to support the security assurance goals of the system. This is particularly important for people with accounts granted broad administrative privileges.

Steven headshot

Author: Stephen Clark

Principal – Technology Strategist, Vigilant Technologies