SharePoint Searches with Microsoft PnP Search and Syntex

SharePoint Searches, Microsoft PnP Search, Microsoft Syntex, Vigilant

Enhancing SharePoint Searches with Microsoft PnP Search and Microsoft Syntex, Supported by Vigilant


SharePoint is a powerful collaboration platform that organizations around the world rely on for document management, team collaboration, and content sharing. One of the key features of SharePoint is its robust search capabilities, allowing users to find the information they need quickly and efficiently. However, as organizations grow and accumulate vast amounts of data, improving the effectiveness of SharePoint searches becomes crucial.
To address this challenge, Microsoft has developed Microsoft PnP (Patterns and Practices) Search and integrated it with Microsoft Syntex. In this article, we will explore how these two powerful tools work together to enhance SharePoint searches and make information retrieval more effective and efficient, supported by Vigilant’s services.

Understanding Microsoft PnP Search
Microsoft PnP Search is an open-source initiative that provides a set of libraries and tools to help developers create custom search experiences in SharePoint and Microsoft 365. It leverages the power of SharePoint Search to offer advanced search capabilities, customization options, and improved performance.

Key features of Microsoft PnP Search include:

  1. Relevance Tuning: With Microsoft PnP Search, you can fine-tune search results to make them more relevant to your organization’s needs. This means you can prioritize specific content or documents based on keywords, metadata, or other criteria.
  2. Custom Search Web Parts: PnP Search offers pre-built web parts that you can add to your SharePoint pages, allowing you to create customized search experiences tailored to your users’ requirements.
  3. Extensibility: Developers can extend the functionality of PnP Search to create custom search solutions that integrate seamlessly with SharePoint.
  4. Modern User Interface: PnP Search provides a modern and user-friendly interface for search, making it easier for users to find what they need.

How Microsoft Syntex Enhances SharePoint Search

Microsoft Syntex is an AI-driven content understanding and automation platform that’s part of Microsoft 365. It uses machine learning models to automatically classify and extract information from documents, making it easier to manage and search for content. When integrated with SharePoint and Microsoft PnP Search, Syntex offers several benefits:

  1. Document Understanding: Syntex can automatically classify documents, extract key information, and apply metadata tags, improving the accuracy of search results. This means users can find documents based on their content, not just their file names.
  2. Content Processing: Syntex can analyze and process large volumes of content, making it more searchable and organized. It can identify entities, relationships, and important data within documents, helping users locate specific information quickly.
  3. Improved Relevance: By using Syntex-generated metadata, Microsoft PnP Search can deliver more relevant search results. This ensures that users are presented with documents that match their search queries more accurately.
  4. Automation: Syntex can automate common content-related tasks, such as document classification and routing, making content management more efficient. This automation can improve search by ensuring that documents are consistently tagged and organized.

The Synergy Between Microsoft PnP Search and Syntex, Supported by Vigilant
The integration of Microsoft PnP Search and Microsoft Syntex offers a powerful solution for organizations seeking to improve their SharePoint search capabilities. Vigilant, a leading technology services provider, offers specialized services to support and enhance this integration further:

  1. Implementation and Customization: Vigilant helps organizations implement Microsoft PnP Search and Microsoft Syntex tailored to their specific needs. They work closely with clients to customize search experiences, ensuring that the integration meets the organization’s unique requirements.
  2. Training and Adoption: Vigilant offers training programs to help organizations make the most of PnP Search and Syntex. They ensure that users and administrators are proficient in using these tools to optimize their SharePoint search experiences.
  3. Maintenance and Support: Vigilant provides ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that the integrated solution runs smoothly. They monitor and manage the system, addressing any issues promptly to minimize downtime.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Vigilant helps organizations continuously improve their search capabilities by analyzing usage data and user feedback. They work on enhancements and optimizations to ensure that search results remain relevant and efficient.

Effective search is critical in today’s information-rich environments, and SharePoint plays a pivotal role in content management and collaboration for many organizations. Microsoft PnP Search, when combined with Microsoft Syntex, offers a compelling solution to enhance SharePoint search capabilities. By leveraging AI-driven content understanding, metadata enrichment, and customization options, organizations can improve search relevance and efficiency, ultimately leading to better user experiences and increased productivity. As businesses continue to grow and generate more data, the integration of these two tools, supported by Vigilant’s services, becomes increasingly important in harnessing the full potential of SharePoint.


Generative AI Solutions

Generative AI Revolution, Vigilant, Artifical Intelligence, Solutions

The Generative AI Revolution: Why Executive Leaders Must Take Note


In recent years, the world has witnessed a remarkable technological transformation that is reshaping the landscape of business operations. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful force, revolutionizing industries and enabling organizations to operate in ways previously thought impossible. In this article, we’ll explore how generative AI is reshaping business operations, why executive leaders need to pay close attention to this game-changing technology, and how Vigilant is working with customers to navigate through the new era of technology.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, focuses on creating content and data rather than just processing it. It’s essentially a creative machine that can generate text, images, music, and even entire datasets autonomously. Generative AI models, like OpenAI’s GPT-3, have taken the world by storm due to their ability to understand context, generate human-like content, and adapt to various tasks with minimal human intervention.

Reshaping Business Operations

  1. Automating Mundane Tasks: One of the most significant impacts of generative AI is its ability to automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks. From data entry to content creation, AI-powered systems can handle these tasks more efficiently and accurately, freeing up human resources for more strategic and creative roles.
  2. Enhancing Customer Interactions: Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by generative AI are transforming customer support and engagement. These AI-driven systems can provide 24/7 support, answer common queries, and even engage in natural conversations, improving customer satisfaction while reducing operational costs.
  3. Personalized Marketing: Generative AI can analyze vast amounts of data to create personalized marketing campaigns. By understanding customer preferences and behavior, businesses can tailor their offerings and messaging, resulting in higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.
  4. Supply Chain Optimization: AI-driven algorithms can analyze supply chain data in real-time, helping businesses optimize inventory management, demand forecasting, and logistics. This leads to reduced costs and improved efficiency in the supply chain.
  5. Innovative Product Development: Generative AI can assist in product design and innovation by generating new ideas, prototypes, and even simulating product performance. This accelerates the product development cycle and fosters innovation.

Why Executive Leaders Need to Pay Attention

  1. Competitive Advantage: Companies that harness the power of generative AI gain a significant competitive advantage. They can deliver products and services faster, tailor offerings to individual customers, and optimize operations for efficiency and cost savings.
  2. Cost Reduction: Generative AI can help reduce labor costs associated with routine tasks and streamline operations. By automating processes, organizations can achieve substantial cost savings in the long run.
  3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: AI-generated insights can inform strategic decision-making. Executive leaders can leverage generative AI to access and analyze large datasets, uncover hidden patterns, and make informed choices that drive the business forward.
  4. Customer-Centricity: Generative AI enables businesses to offer a more personalized and customer-centric experience. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also leads to increased brand loyalty and revenue growth.
  5. Risk Mitigation: AI-powered analytics can detect anomalies and potential risks in real-time. Executive leaders can proactively address issues, reducing the likelihood of costly disruptions and crises.

Vigilant is delivering for clients generative AI solutions that is reshaping business operations. Here are some recent use cases we are working on:

  1. Marketing Content Generation Services:  We are working with a client on using generative AI in creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content at scale, including blog articles, product descriptions, and social media posts. We are helping our customer with faster speed to market with relevant messaging that saves time with content creation, but also cutting down on quality reviews and accuracy, to ensure a consistent and engaging online presence.
  2. Call Center Language Translation and Localization:  We are working with a client on integrating Generative AI to facilitate rapid and accurate language translation. Generative AI is helping our customer offer translation and localization services, which enables their businesses to expand into global markets with ease and accuracy.
  3. Chatbot and Virtual Assistant Development:  We are building and deploying intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants to enhance customer support and streamline customer interactions. These AI-driven solutions are being customized to suit the specific needs of businesses across various industries and departments, such as streamlining human resources interactions (payroll address changes, onboarding, benefits questions and changes) or enabling chatbots to ease pressure off Accounts Payable teams to answer questions on invoice processing and payments.
  4. Data Analytics and InsightsWe are using generative AI to offer data analytics services to our customers. We are incorporating generative AI into our reporting solutions to analyze vast datasets that can help businesses gain deeper insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency, guiding data-driven decision-making.
  5. Customized AI Models:  We are working on developing tailored generative AI models to address unique business challenges that require generating specific types of content, such as legal documents, technical reports, or creative marketing materials.
  6. Risk Assessment and Fraud Detection:  We are working on utilizing generative AI models that help us on our managed services clients to continuously monitor and analyze data for potential fraud or security breaches.  We are responsible for helping organizations stay one step ahead of threats, so it is our responsibility to continue to use technology to stay ahead of the risks.
  7. Supply Chain Optimization Tools:  In our manufacturing clients, we are using generative AI to create AI-driven supply chain optimization tools that provide real-time insights into inventory management, demand forecasting, and distribution logistics, helping organizations optimize their supply chain operations.
  8. AI-Enhanced Product Development:  We are using generative AI to aid in the design and risk identification of our automated solutions.  We challenge our designs to evaluate alternative approaches and identify points of failure to address in our designs.
  9. Automated Report Generation:  Many businesses generate routine reports for internal or external stakeholders. We are using generative AI solutions that automate the creation of these routine reports, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.

As demonstrated above, we are using Generative AI solutions across a diverse range of applications and demonstrating how generative AI solutions can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries and businesses. These use cases provide a sample of what’s possible with generative AI, which is critical for business leaders to consider and understand, since AI capabilities are no longer the future, but they are possible today.


Generative AI is reshaping the business landscape, and its transformative potential cannot be overstated. Executive leaders who embrace and harness this technology stand to gain a significant competitive edge, improve operational efficiency, and drive innovation in their organizations. As generative AI continues to evolve, it is crucial for business leaders to pay attention, invest in AI initiatives, and adapt their strategies to stay ahead in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Those who do will be better positioned to thrive in the AI-driven future.  Let Vigilant be your guide for harnessing the power of generative AI and taking your business operations to the next level.